Monday, August 30, 2021

the gospel message

the moon

Everyone sins (Romans 3:23). We were born that way, and it is our nature. We lie, steal, covet, and turn away from God. We love the world and ourselves more than God. 

Sin separates us from God because He is holy and perfect. He cannot allow sin into heaven, and none can earn his way into heaven. We cannot save ourselves.

But if we all sin, how can anyone get to heaven? 

Through Jesus Christ.

Jesus died on the cross to save us from God's wrath, which is eternal punishment. God loved us (even though we disobey) that He sent His son Jesus to die in our place. Jesus was buried and then rose from the dead, conquering death forever. We can live through Christ and trust what He did for us, and be reconciled to God right now. Jesus is the way, the truth, and eternal life. 

Imagine you committed a crime and stand before the judge who tells you that your fine is a million dollars, which you do not have. He is about the send you to prison until you pay the entire fine when a man walks in and pays the fine for you. Since the fine is paid, you are free to go. That is what Jesus has done for you. 

All of your sins can be forgiven; but you must turn away from sinning, repent, and trust in Christ alone to save you. You must ask Him to forgive you. This is what it means to repent and turn back to God -- to be born again, saved, receive salvation. 

Here is another scenario: you are on a plane that is about to crash. The pilot tells everyone there is a parachute under his seat. He must put it on and he will be saved (after jumping from the plane). You must put on the parachute and trust in its ability to save your life. It is not enough to just believe that it is a parachute. You must put it on and trust in it completely! That is what it means to believe in Christ. 

God's forgiveness is His free gift (Romans 6:23) to you. You cannot do anything to save yourself.  After you have repented and committed your life to Christ, you will want to grow in your knowledge and understanding of the Lord. Here is how: 
  • read the Bible 
  • pray
  • find and attend a Bible-teaching church
  • be baptized
  • share your faith with others
God keeps all of His promises because He cannot lie.  Repent and believe on the Lord, Jesus Christ, and you will be saved. 

"He is a Light unto my path."

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