Saturday, October 23, 2021

Unread Shelf


These books are part of my Unread Bookshelf Project -- books I hope to finally read and either keep or discard. (CR) means I am currently reading it, which is a good thing!!

non-fiction / history  / biography

Bainton: The Reformation of the Sixteenth Century

Burke: Reflections on the Revolution in France

Cleator: Always and in Everything

Dana: Two Years Before the Mast

Dugard: Into Africa

Emerson: The Portable Emerson

Hamilton / Madison / Jay: The Federalist Papers

Jefferson: Notes on the State of Virginia

Johnson: A History of Christianity

Kirk: The Roots of American Order

Kilmeade: Thomas Jefferson and the Tripoli Pirates

McCullough: John Adams (CR) / The Pioneers 

McGee: Through the Bible Vol. I-V (CR)

Meltzer: The American Revolutionaries 

Morris: Colonel Roosevelt 

Muir: My First Summer in the Sierra

Noonan: When Character Was King

Reagan: The Reagan Diaries / An American Life / Reagan In His Own Hand

Rand: Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal 

Sandburg: Abraham Lincoln

Sinclair: The Jungle

Smith: The Wealth of Nations, Books I-V 

Spurgeon: Morning and Evening (CR)

Turner: The Frontier in American History

fiction / historical fiction / children's fiction

Bulfinch: Bulfinch's Mythology

Eliot: Middlemarch

L'Amour: The Lonesome Gods

Limbaugh: Rush Revere and the First Patriots / ...and the American Revolution / ...and the Brave Pilgrims / ...and the Star Spangled Banner / ...and the Presidency

Rand: Atlas Shrugged 

Stone: Love is Eternal / The Agony and the Ecstasy


Aristophanes: The Complete Plays (CR)

Ibsen: Four Great Plays

Marlowe: Doctor Faustus

Molière: The Misanthrope, Tartuffe and Other Plays

Miller: Death of a Salesman

Shakespeare: A Midsummer Night's Dream / Julius Caesar

Wilder: Our Town

Williams: A Streetcar Named Desire

poetry / prose

Alighieri, Longfellow (trans.): The Paradiso / The Purgatorio

Benét: John Brown's Body

Cummings: Collected Poems

Eliot: Collected Poems 1909-1962

Vergil: The Aeneid

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