Thursday, June 13, 2024

Fleet: Mao's America: A Survivor's Warning


Mao's America:
A Survivor's Warning
Xi Van Fleet
Published 2023
Political Non-fiction, History, Memoir

It all began with the courage to stand up for the truth. 

It was June 2021, at the infamous Loudoun County School Board Meeting. Xi Van Fleet presented her one-minute condensed admonition on the perils of Marxism disguised as Critical Race Theory (CRT), being propagated in Loudoun schools (and schools across America). 

In her speech she laid out the accusations: "[The schools] taught students to be social justice warriors, to loathe America and its history, and to use race to divide. During the Chinese Revolution, the Communist regime used the same critical theory to divide, using class instead of race. They also denounced their heritage, destroyed statues and books, and also reported on each other, similar to the reporting system in Loudoun schools." Van Fleet ended with, "This is the American version of the Chinese Cultural Revolution. CRT has its roots in cultural Marxism. It should have no place in our schools." 

Van Fleet was born and raised in China. She was six-years old when the Cultural Revolution began in 1966. In her book Mao's America, A Survivor's Warning, she described what it was like growing up under the yoke of a communist regime. Now she was witnessing the results of those same or similar tactics right here in America, her current home since she left China in the 1980s. 

Earlier this year I read Red Scarf Girl, and much of Ji-Li Jiang's story is the same as Xi Van Fleet's. During the  Cultural Revolution, young people (called Red Guards) were manipulated into acting out chaos, rebelling against authority, destroying property, committing violence against targeted individuals, and even committing "grotesque violence." Disrespect of heritage, traditions, and history were encouraged. Of course, books were destroyed, too. Also, hard work was no longer rewarded. Please tell me you see these things, too, in America.

Eventually factions occurred within the Red Guards, schools were closed, and the young people were sent to labor camps. Van Fleet spent three-years away at camp when she could have been learning. What education she did receive was subpar. 

When Mao Zedong died in 1976, the Cultural Revolution was over. Colleges were reopened, and Van Fleet was able to attend and graduate college. Through her employment she made a connection to an English teacher who suggested Xi pursue a postgraduate education in America, and in 1986, she was on her way.

One new thing she had to learn was how to make choices. Under communism, one does not have choices. Yeonmi Park, in her memoir In Order to Live, said, too, that she had to learn to make choices after she had fled communism in North Korea. In addition, Van Fleet said that in college, "learning required thinking," and she had to "learn to think and form [her] own opinions."

Soon Van Fleet became an American citizen, and she also married and started a family. 

I never entertained the idea that Marxism could take such a prominent place in America.

Her first red flag was language manipulation, called political correctness back in the 90s. 

The real intention is not about respect. This was just an early form of language manipulation to control people. If you can orchestrate the words people use and how they use them, you can control their speech and therefore their thoughts.

In 2012, she was invited to become a member of the "newly formed Diversity and Inclusion Council."  Next, "they introduced CRT - without using the terminology - it did not make sense. The company was multiethnic and multicultural, more than half women, including in leadership, whose CEO was black. Obviously, this was not good enough." Before long, they were having conferences on systemic racism and microaggressions. Articles were internally distributed on racial issues. Therefore, because of the political pressure, Van Fleet decided to exit the Council. 

A few other incidents occurred, which raised the alarm: her son was being taught white privilege and intersectionality in college, and finally, the George Floyd event -- that was her limit! 

Immediately, the culture at work changed. The D & I Council updated its true identity to Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Council; personal pronouns became a thing; and all white people were instantly considered inherently racist just because they are white. Hence, she spoke up at work and questioned if she should be concerned that she was now surrounded by racist whites? Soon after, she received her first poor review and was relegated to be remolded...I mean re-educated to relearn programming language or be fired, even though she had been doing her job the same way for over twenty years. She understood they were on to her as a truth warrior (my words) and decided to quit her job.

She...escaped communism, but now was in the midst of the battlefield, fighting against communism to keep America free. 

That was just the first few chapters of Mao's America. The rest of the book provides:

  •  an excellent  comparative history of Marxism in the United States and China, including a history of Mao Zedong; 
  • a history about Karl Marx and Antonio Gramsci; 
  • a history of feminism and black Marxism in America, including BLM; 
  • America's Olds and their replacements. 
  • There is a chapter on how implementation of an ideology divides people in China, and how it is working in America; 
  • a chapter on the Red Guards of China compared to the new Stormtroopers in America, like Antifa, BLM, (and today's Pro-Palestinian Mob); 
  • a chapter on the War on traditions, or the Old World and America's Cancel Culture; 
  • chapters on destruction of the family and religion; 
  • and finally, a chapter on all the ideological goodies that go into the re-making of the New Man; 
  • and there is even a bit about how Xi Jinping works into all of this. 

There is also a thorough book list throughout for anyone who wants to dig deeper.  

Often books like this offer a glimmer of hope on how to solve the problem, but Van Fleet is honest: "Marxism and communism infiltration in America is complete." (Have you seen our military?) The only hope she can offer is an appeal to PUT COMMUNISM ON TRIAL! This ideology kills. 

Van Fleet's Epilogue is a warning:

"It's all about gaining power by first destabilizing a society through cultural subversion and upheaval. It is also about maintaining power by stabilizing the Marxist hegemony to complete control over its people. The Woke cultural revolution in America is the elites' pathway to their ultimate destination, the so-called China model, a ruthless totalitarian regime armed with surveillance and AI technology that will control every move of individuals 24/7. Once power is established, the elites will redefine morality and social norms -- which will have nothing to do with the Woke ideology today. It's only a means to an end. Freedom will be taken away and we will be brought under total subjugation by the state no matter whether you are on the left or the right." 

It all began with courage to stand up for the truth:

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