Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Top Ten Tuesday : Books on My Summer 2024 To Read List

1. One Bad Apple by Rachel Kovaciny

Looking forward to reading the third book from Kovaciny's Once Upon a Western series. This one promises to be a refreshing tale about good vs. evil.

2. The Rise of Theodore Roosevelt by Edmund Morris

This book was on my Wishlist at Amazon, and my husband chose it for Mother's Day. It is actually part of a three book series, of which all are tomes. This Roosevelt is my favorite U.S. President because his life was so intriguing and adventurous. I cannot wait to dig in.

3. Seventeen Seventy-Six by David McCullough

A most breathtaking time for America, not without sacrifice or courage. I have three books by McCullough, and I need to get cracking (on these spines)!

4. The Little House Books, Vol. Two by Laura Ingalls Wilder

Here I am just continuing my life through Wilder's Little House books -- but with  Caroline Fraser's edition in two books, as opposed to the children's versions with illustrations -- though I do miss those. I hope to finish volume two by the end of summer. 

5. / 6. Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal or
Anthem by Ayn Rand

I doubt I will read both of these, but one never knows. It will be a miracle if I read one of them or even ten books through the summer. You would think anyone could do that, but...life. I would like to read both of these, as I've had them for too long. Obviously, Capitalism: The Unknown Ideal is non-fiction, but Anthem is one of Rand's short novels. 

7. Middlemarch by George Eliot

This one continues to show up on my lists, and last December I polled people about what I should read next of several unreads I own. Middlemarch was a close second to Les Mis. I was not crazy about Les Mis, but I have a feeling I will prefer Middlemarch. Hopefully this will at least be started this summer.

8. The Woodlanders by Thomas Hardy

The Woodlanders will be one of those books I rectify. I bailed in the middle, but I do want to finish it. Maybe it was the wrong time to read it.

9. Letters of a Woman Homesteader by Elinore Pruitt Stewart

I am really excited to reread this. This is an amazing true story of a courageous woman. She could be a female Theodore Roosevelt, I suppose, minus the assassination attempt and serving as president of a nation.

10. I am already reading several other books that will carry over through summer, such as Through the Bible by J. Vernon McGee and Unmet Expectations by Lisa Hughes. And I plan to begin the next poet on TWEM list: Langston Hughes.

Like I said, I hope to begin some of these on my list. I envision staying up until late, reading past Midnight, like I did as a teen; but who am I kidding? I cannot keep my eyes open beyond 10pm, and then all of my reading goals are for nought. BUT, I will try my best. That's all I can do. 

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  1. Best of luck for your summer reading, Ruth!

    I'd like to learn more about Theodore Roosevelt someday, he seems like such an interesting guy.

    I read Anthem a few years ago, it wasn't really my cup of tea but I liked the concept. Dystopian fiction is always thought-provoking, too. My mom is rereading 1984 right now, and I've enjoyed hearing her updates.

    Langston Hughes's "Dreams" is so good, too. :) Have not yet explored his other poems but he's on the list...

    1. Thanks, Marian!

      TR had a fascinating upbringing. Yeah, he was privileged, but he got into government bc he wanted to do some good, and he did genuinely care about helping people when they couldn't help themselves and breaking up corruption in government. But also he had a lot of great adventures. Anyway, that was how he was portrayed in a young person's version we once read.

      That's great that your mom is reading 1984. Good for her!! You should let her do a guest post on your blog. LOL!

      I look forward to reading Hughes bc I don't know if I have ever, ever been exposed to any of his writings, sadly. But we shall see how I like his selected works. BTW, there are three versions of "Dreams" poems on the list: Dream Boogie, Dream Deferred, and Dream Variations.


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