Wednesday, March 02, 2022

Update: what's going on

It has been a few weeks since I have reviewed any books, and that is because we have now relocated to Florida. I've not been reading very much. 

I wanted to share that two days before we moved, a friend and I took our kids to the US version of the Trucker's/People's Convoy send off, which started at Adelanto Stadium and was right around the corner from where we live[d]. The truckers and vehicles are driving to Washington D.C. We thought it would be a memorable history lesson for our kids.

It was freezing cold. I think it snowed later that night.

Speakers included Dr. Pierre Kory and Pastor Rob McCoy.

After speeches, Pastor McCoy read a Psalm and prayed, and we sang "Amazing Grace."

Leigh Dundas spoke to the crowd, also.

Another thing I did before we left Cali was took one more picture of a full California moon. I often take pics of the moon, but they always look the same. I cannot tell them apart.

Here is what I have been "reading" or listening to, specifically during the four day trip to Florida. 

Finally, we gratefully arrived at our Florida destination on Monday. I have moved our "California exodus" story to a separate blog. You can find it H E R E.

I look forward to having a routine again and finding the energy to read and finish a book. I miss reading because reading is an indication that I am settled. And things are just not settled yet. 

Maybe a few more weeks. I hope.


  1. Well Hello To You Guys! - I'm very happy to hear you've made it safe and sound to the Sunshine State. Everything will come together and you'll soon be 'Rolling in Clover' as the old saying goes. It also appears your family now lives less than 9 miles from us, maybe closer! (how cool is that?) - If you need anything at moving in, local directions, good restaurants, or library locations, please let us know! - I'll send you a separate email with our contact information. Have a lovely weekend.

    1. Hello, and thank you. We are really grateful to have made it safely. It has been a harrowing two months. We are exhausted -- physically and emotionally. Also, getting used to the time difference. After our moving truck arrives, we will be very busy. We've already been all over, including Brandon. The kids and I went to the library yesterday. I have this sign on my van that says: "Do not comply with tyranny," and I've noticed a few drivers behind me squint their eyes like, "What?" And my husband and I joked that they probably don't know what "they tyranny" is bc for every they have lived w/o the burden of a governor commanding them to close their business, open the business, but only outdoors, now wear a mask when you step outside, only 10 people can meet in person, now kids wear a mask, only vaccinated people can participate in society...etc. I think Floridians may not realize how bad it has gotten for Americans on the West coast. LOL.

  2. I look at your Convoy with fond memories and also with a dreaded feeling of shock of remembrance. Our convoy was so amazing. I can't even describe all the joy and love that it brought to so many people. But it also exposed terrible things about our country, horrible things that had silently infected it and started to rot it and before we knew it had ruined the fabric of it. But perhaps it's a good thing. I'm not sure things can be saved though. I've been watching our parliament through it and I seriously think there are a good number of politicians that are escaped mental patients. And I say that with compassion and not lightly. Much of their discourse runs from unbelievable to abysmal.

    I do hope no police come to your door, and your bank accounts aren't frozen like many people's here were. One lady, a single mother, just bought a hat at the beginning of the convoy and her account was frozen. One of the organizers is still in jail and is being refused bail because she said "hold the line". It is COMPLETELY insane!! All for wanting a dialogue with government (who refused to speak with anyone), feeding the homeless, causing crime to decrease 90% and having Canada Day parties every day for three weeks.

    I do hope you settle in well and quickly and feel much more free than you have for awhile. And may your convoy spread as much love as ours did! ❤️ (There are still convoys all over the country that are happening every weekend!)

    1. Hey, Cleo,
      I know what you are saying. And bc of what has happened in Canada, these people setting out in America know the cost. Our governments are one and the same. I am in TOTAL AGREEMENT w/ you that many of our elected officials and non-elected are escaped mental patients. If you notice, we no longer have institutions to care for our mentally ill. Here in America they live on the street. You could say that some of our vagrants could run for office and be elected just as well. That says a lot about our voters, sadly.

      The truth has been exposed. It is wide open! Your PM and Australia's PM and even my ex-governor of California, Gavin Newsom, have all been trained under the WEF young globalist leaders program and then "voted" into positions of power to destroy democracy, liberty, freedom, and self-government. This has been in the making for decades now, and it is happening before our eyes. We've got to reject and push back this evil. They will financially control us. (See the Great Reset. Read Klown Schwab's book by the same name. It's not a theory; it is their GREAT PLAN).

      I've been watching videos by She is in Canada. She says that there are better ways to push back than the convoy bc the convoy brings attention and works right into the govt. plan. She explains how it is better for us to just not comply w/ the mask mandates and for businesses to not comply. She's totally right.

      Nonetheless, I pray that the convoys gain steam and cause the people to feel emboldened to stop complying altogether. I hope it causes the people to open their eyes. Too many have been walking about like zombies.


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